Outdoor Labyrinth Dedicated

On Sunday, October 24 we dedicated our new outdoor labyrinth in the rear garden of the church. Liam Dee created the space as his Eagle Scout Project in the spring and summer of 2021. They spent several weekends tilling, leveling, placing and cutting stones in the pattern, painting and constructing benches and finally nurturing the growing grass. It is available for all to come at any time for prayer, walking meditation or simply sitting on the new benches and reflecting.


Read this excellent short summary and explanation of labyrinths for those who are curious to know more about this way of prayer. Labyrinths exist around the world and have enjoyed a resurgence of popularity recently in Christian prayer and practice. The most well known exists in Chartres Cathedral in France from the 12th century. Ours is a smaller version of that pattern. Walking a labyrinth is a way to move simply and meditatively in prayer. For those of us who have a hard time sitting still to pray or who are easily distracted, walking a labyrinth can quiet our mind and focus our spirit enough to enter into the heart of God. Unlike mazes, labyrinths have no decisions to be made about directional turns. You simply follow the path.

The early followers of Jesus were known as the people of the Way. Jesus called himself the Way, in fact. Life is a pilgrimage with God every step of the crazy journey. I hope you will stop by and walk our labyrinth when you need to spend a few moments with the God who loves you and longs to spend time with you. Come for whatever reason and with whatever is weighing on your heart. Invite your neighbors as well to come, pray and rest!


Rector’s Sabbatical Announcement


Palms up.